Intuitive Writing

with Kingston WritersFest and the Kingston Frontenac Public Library


Bruce Kauffman


Meet 2 (second floor), Central Public Library, 130 Johnson Street. Kingston

Time & Date

10 - 12 pm | April 29, 2023


13 - 30

Participant Notes

Bring a pen and notebook


Bruce Kauffman’s ‘intuitive writing’ workshop, developed in 2012, is based on his reflections upon and observations about his own writing, “… concepts developed in the early 90’s as I watched in my own creative process then, the substance and style of how and what I was writing began to change.” This workshop is designed with less a 'how to write well' and more a 'why and from where should I write' mindset. It was even billed once, by a Queen's campus student writing group, as a guide to overcome writer's block.

Bruce Kauffman

Bruce Kauffman lives in Kingston and is a poet, editor, and organizer of literary events. His written work has appeared in several anthologies and journals, two chapbooks, and five collections of poetry, with his latest, still arriving, coming out this year. Beyond writing and editing, he facilitates intuitive writing workshops. In 2009 he founded, and still organizes and hosts the monthly ‘and the journey continues’ open mic reading series. In 2010 he debuted his weekly spoken word radio show, ‘finding a voice’, on CFRC 101.9fm, and continues to produce and host it.