wire Wrapping 101

with the Kingston Lapidary and Mineral Club


Dori Hunt


Kingston Lapidary and Mineral Club, Tett Centre, 370 King St W, Kingston

Time & Date

4 - 5:30 pm | May 4, 2023


13 - 30

Participant Notes

Wire Wrapping 101 teaches the basics of wire wrapping a gemstone. Using wire and naturally-derived gems, each participant will make either a wearable pendant or keychain. Tutorial manuals will be provided to each participant to take home at the end of class.

Dori Hunt

I am a self taught wire wrapper. When I first started there were no classes around me, so I taught myself. It was a very expensive learning experience, as I decided to use Sterling Silver wire. My first pieces were horrible!! I bought some copper wire to play with since it was a lot cheaper to use. Once I did that, it clicked in my head. I was enjoying playing with wire and creating one of a kind pieces of jewelry. I still push myself to learn new things with wire, and figure out new technologies, looks, and styles. A few years into my jewelry making, I decided to teach classes so that other people didn't have to deal with the frustration of learning on their own.

So, one of two things will happen during the class! You will either love every second of learning a new skill, or you will hate it and have a better appreciation for what wire wrappers can do with a spool of wire and a stone.