The 2018 Juvenis Festival Wrap-Up Survey!

This survey is for everyone, if you attended a Juvenis Festival event or participated in the festival, if you are over the ages of 30 or under the age of 30, we want to hear from you!

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to help us plan future festivals!

This survey is anonymous! If you'd like to add your email to our email list for future updates on auditions, ways to get involved, events and ticket information, email us at

Feel free to write as much or as little as you wish!

2018 Festival Survey

Your Age Range:

Where do you live? (select the one that is most applicable to you)

Before 2018 had you heard about Blue Canoe or the Juvenis Festival Before?

How were you involved in the Juvenis Festival in 2018? (Click all that apply)

How did you hear about the Juvenis Festival?