Bineshiinyag Ziigwan

Spring Birds

with the Kingston Indigenous Languages Nest


Mandy Wilson



Time & Date

5 - 7 pm | May 5, 2023


13 - 30

Parents are recommended to attend with their child. Children 9 and under must have a parent present at all times.

Participant Notes

Participants will have the option to smudge.


Join Juvenis and Kingston Indigenous Languages Nest in a making and learning workshop to honor our plant and animal relations. Learn language and songs related to birds. make suet cakes, fruit garland and seed balls to feed the animals.

Mandy Wilson

Mandy Wilson is a woman of mixed ancestry; which includes Indigenous, Black and Irish descent. She is a member of Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation who grew up in Sharbot Lake Ontario. She is now living in Kingston Ontario where her work is fueled by a love for nature and a passion for language learning. She is devoted to learning the traditional values and principles that have influenced Indigenous land practices since time immemorial. She is extremely thankful to her family, aunties, and community for the teachings she has received throughout her life and hopes to honour those teachings by sharing the importance of creating a reciprocal relationship with Mother Earth and all of Creation.