Exhibiting Artists

Olivia Ows- Project Leader, Poetry & Visual Art
Samara De Jonge- Poetry & Visual Art- Music Instagram: @samaragracesings
Ashley T- Poetry & Visual Art- Instagram: @bifusionarts, Website
Avery Goreglad- Visual Art
Essien Faught- Poetry
Yiwen Wang- Poetry
Jimena Ramos Yengle- Poetry- YouTube Channel, Instagram: @jimenaramos_y, Facebook , Her Book

Visual Art

3D-Exhibition Viewing Tips
  • The guided your will automatically move you from piece to piece. 
  • If you click on the artwork, arrows will appear in the bottom right corner that you can use to click through the exhibition.
  • You can use the arrows in the bottom left corner or simply click through the space to move your viewing position. (Like in Goggle Maps)
  • The artist's name and the title of the piece will appear in the top right corner with the information icon. 


Hover over the image to see the title and author. Click on the image to read the poem. 

Virtual Storefront Art Gallery

All of the pieces in this exhibition were submitted independently by artists who responded to an open call to those aged 13-30.

Exhibition Viewing Tips
  • The guided your will automatically move you from piece to piece. 
  • If you click on the artwork, arrows will appear in the bottom right corner that you can use to click through the exhibition.
  • You can use the arrows in the bottom left corner or simply click through the space to move your viewing position. (Like in Goggle Maps)
  • The artist's name and the title of the piece will appear in the top right corner with the information icon. 

Purchase Artwork

Not all works are available for purchase. To find out the price of each piece and whether or not it is available for purchase, please click the information icon on the top right corner of the piece while viewing the exhibition. Please note, all prices are set by the artist and we do not charge commission, so 100% of the cost will go back to the artist. 

If you are interested in purchasing a piece, please contact Maya at maya.meyerman@bluecanoetheatrical.ca.

Enjoy the exhibition!